Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Happy Hump Day!!!  Here is this weeks Green Tip of the Week: A CLEAVER WAY TO REUSE YOUR PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES!!!

For those of you who don't recycle (SHAME ON YOU!) here is a great way to reuse your plastic water bottles.  During my cleanse I had to flush my system out with purified bottle water.  I was upset that I had to buy a case of water-knowing that they would have to be recycled thus consuming waste.  As I was slugging down Smart Water after Smart Water, I realized that there must be a way I can reuse them.  I saved all the water bottles and figured out that these would make great planters for plants!!

So here is what I did:  I cut the water bottle in half and kept the bottom portion

Then I filled the water bottle with halfway with dirt, added the flowers and filled the rest of the empty space with more dirt

And here is the final product!  I put all the flower-filled water bottles into these steel crate containers that I got from an antique store

Looks pretty good!  Once I find more empty water bottles or other items to reuse, I will have plants in all my crates.

Easy as 1, 2, 3!  Once the weather here in Chicago is more promising, I will move the crates out onto my patio.

Live well.  Live Pure.

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